May 3 Devotion

Yesterday we talked about the video on Facebook of the young lady still winning the race after falling at the second hurdle. I hope some of you tried to find it. It really is worth looking for if you have not. The devotion was on not giving up. Staying the course. Because, we win if we do so. Today let’s talk about letting go. Letting go is much different than giving up. Giving up is something that we allow to happen when things do not go our way. God does not want us to give up. But he does want us to let go. Most of us have heard the saying: Let go, Let God. 

When we let go of things that we cannot control, we are giving them over to God. we release them. It’s an act of a surrendering to God. Letting go is trusting Jesus. It can be very difficult to do. My bride has an amazing story about this. In 2013, our son was in a dark place. His demons were attacking him. They had been for a while. He wasn’t responding the way he should. He was giving into temptations that the Satan was placing in front of him. Barbara went to him and spent the day battling Satan back. But she was losing. Nothing she did mattered. Finally, she broke down and turned it over to God. She even told Trey she was doing so. That it was between him and God at that point. Talk about an act of faith. Wow!

Turning Trey over to God actually freed Barbara. It was an act of love on her part. Because she was giving everything to God. Before she returned home, Trey called instead he was ready. Within days we had him in Florida getting the help he needed. God had taken control. He had taken control because Barbara turned Trey over to him. And Trey turned his life over to him as well. They had placed everything into God’s hands. Trey is now a pastor at a church. He’s married with three children. We must remember that in this life, we will not be able to do many things on our own. And we must remember, that God is more than capable of doing everything. So today, look at things that you might need to let go. And turn them over to God. Let him have them.

May 2 Devotion

There’s this amazing short video going around Facebook. It’s one of those that seems just a pop-up without searching for it. It looks like high school girls. Whatever their age, they are running a hurdles race in track. When they get to the second hurdle, the young lady in first place trips and falls. The rest of the field continues on. Incredibly, she gets up, kicks it into the gear, and finishes the race. But that’s not what’s incredible. What’s incredible is that, not only did she finish the race, she won the race. She actually passed every girl on the track and won the race. I’m sure if you search for it, you can find it. It’s only about 15 seconds long. But worth watching.

I love the life lesson that’s being put out there in that video. I’m sure you know what it is. And, the video goes hand-in-hand with something that my wife brought back from the Women’s Retreat she went to a couple weeks ago. One of the notes that she took during one of the speakers simply says this: “You win as long as you don’t quit.” The young lady in the race definitely didn’t quit. She got up, continued on, and won the race. She didn’t quit. She had every reason to. But she didn’t. And she won. We can all learn from this. In our every day lives. Because we’re all going to see struggles. Obstacles. Hurdles in our way. And we can all learn from this and apply it to our faith.

The world is going to come at us daily. The world will try to defeat us. Crush us. So remember this, Satan is of the world. Therefore he is in it. And therefore, he is going to put hurdles in our way. He is going to do all that he can to bring us down. To stop us. To keep us from moving forward. He is going to do all he can to keep us from finishing the race. I always call him the great deceiver. The great liar. The snake. Because those are accurate descriptions of who he is. Of what he represents. So today, when he comes at you, when he puts hurdles in your way, don’t lose track of where you are headed. Don’t let him knock you down, and keep you down. Jesus has paved the path for us. He has already declared victory for us. We must keep the faith and never quit. If we do this, we win. We win! Read it again…We win! 

May 1 Devotion

Recently, I have been challenging some of my friends to get out of their comfort zones and to lead messages at our events. People have done research and have proven that speaking in front of your peers is one of the greatest fears that we have. It can be uncomfortable having all the eyes in a room looking at you. No matter the size of the group. Your palms can get sweaty. Your heart rate can go up. So can your blood pressure. As I said, it’s getting out of your comfort zone. But this devotion is not about speaking in front of other people. It’s about doing what God has called you to do, even when Satan is telling you otherwise. 

One of my friends was the speaker at our recent turkey hunt. A week or so prior to the event, he was going to a men’s prayer breakfast. But he kept feeling the pull to be in the woods hunting. He had other things he wanted to do as well. He sat in the truck for several minutes before going in. He was debating whether he was going to go in or not. Satan kept telling him not to worry about it. That missing is it going to be an issue. He does that. He’s sneaky like that. Trying to keep believers from showing others who God is. But something else kept after him as well. The Holy Spirit was telling him to get out of the truck. To go inside. To hear what was going to be said that morning. It took him a while, but he got out, went inside, and listened. He pushed Satan out of his head. And he got out of the truck.

As you are reading this, I want you to think about what it is that’s blocking you from what you were supposed to be doing. I don’t necessarily mean speaking in front of groups. Or maybe I am. You know you. You know what you are called to do. But what is stopping you is the question. How is Satan creeping in? Is he telling you that you should be hunting? Fishing? Is he telling you that reading the Bible isn’t necessary right now? Is he telling you that praying can wait till tomorrow? Think about it. I’m sure there are ways that he’s out for you. The sneaky ways. He’s after us all. It’s our job to recognize him for what he is. The snake that he has. It’s our job to work on pushing him aside and doing what God wants us to do. I know it’s not easy sometimes. I know we think there’s always tomorrow. Or next week. Or whenever. But I conclude with this…make today the day that you start doing what God has called you to do. Make today the day that you push Satan out of your head. Make today the day that you get out of the truck.