May 16 Devotion

Losing a job can be humbling. It can rock you to your core. Losing two jobs can be life altering. It can change the course of your life. It did me. In 2005, I lost a job that I had held for over a decade. It made me feel expendable. And that’s a bad feeling. But, I didn’t dwell on it. I learned from it. I built on it. Our faith based basketball program came out of the whole situation. In 2020, due to budget cuts from the virus, my position with the state was cut. But by this point in my life, I knew there was a reason. God was closing one door as he was opening another. Actually, the floodgates opened. Charlie 22 Outdoors exploded after the state let me go.

We all experience loss at some time in our lives. Loss comes at us in many different forms. There’s death. There’s being let go from our jobs. There is the end of relationships. When we play sports, we will lose at some point. And there are so many other ways that we experience loss. It’s going to happen. Nothing that we can do to prevent it. Being human means we’re going to have to face it. Sometimes what we lose has very little meaning in the big scheme of things. At other times, loss can have long lasting affects on us. Sometimes they can’t be replaced.

Although, what we go through can be very painful, God can use those moments in big ways. In the Bible we read of Ruth. Losing her husband was not her end. She remained faithful. Followed her convictions. She didn’t stay focused on what happened. She didn’t stay focused on her circumstances. Instead, she moved forward as she was feeling sorrow. As she was feeling loss. And because so, God blessed her. And those around her saw it. They learned from it. We can all learn from it. We should all learn that God can restore us if we remain faithful. God can take what seems like the end and make it a beginning. God can take what seems like has been turned upside down and make it righteous. God can restore anything if we let him work. And if you let him work, others will see it. And they will grow as well. And that my friends…is glorious.

May 15 Devotion

Last week or youngest daughter found out that she has been accepted into the Social Work program at Missouri Southern State University. This is such a blessing for her. She’s been struggling trying to figure out which way she wanted to go. She had been accepted into nursing school last year. But she soon realized that was not the path for her. After researching different options in this field, she felt like God was telling her this is where she needs to be. So awesome. Part of the application process included writing an essay. And in that essay she needed to do discuss why it is she wants to be a Social Worker. 

She talked about being lost in her journey, trying to figure out her career path. I don’t blame her. When I was 19, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do. Then she began talking about praying to God for wisdom. And how he started to show her different things to consider. And then he put it on her heart that Social Work was the way to go. With our family history of medical issues, hospital Social Workers have played an important role in our lives. Anna would be fantastic at that. Then she began to mention praying over and even helping others who have hurt her. People who have done her wrong. Wow! We can all learn from that. Talk about taking a heart that has been broken by those that you trust, and then turning around and helping them anyways. Amazing stuff. Very clearly…this demonstrates how our hearts should be focused on what God has for us.

There’s a lot of brokenness in this world today. A lot of hate. A lot of evil. Every time you turn around, you see someone harming somebody else. Or trying to. Just turn on the evening news at the national level and I bet several stories of the week will be discussing these very things. You see it at the national level of our politicians as well. There’s so many good people there. I like to think that they are doing their jobs the best they can. But, there are also so many people there back biting each other. Just fighting back-and-forth to be fighting back-and-forth. Crazy stuff. The solution to all of these things that we are seeing isn’t treating the results. The solution is to break our hearts. And to let God take control. We let God take over our lives, good things will happen. We let God take over our homes, good things will happen. We let God take over our nation, good things will happen. We let God take over our world, good things will happen. We won’t have to be reacting. God will help us prevent all the ugliness before it takes place.

May 14 Devotion

I don’t think it’s a secret that I am a sports fan. I love all sports. Basketball being my favorite. I just admire what athletes are able to accomplish. Truly incredible. I tell you that to tell you this. There’s a good chance if you were to come visit me any morning of the week, you would find SportsCenter on my TV. Catching up on what happened the day before. This morning it was no different. As I was getting ready, a story came on that caught my attention. It was about Derick Hall. For those of you that don’t know, he is a linebacker who played at Gulfport High School. And went on to Auburn to become 1st Team all SEC. Was drafted recently by the Seattle Seahawks. But what caught my attention is the story about him being born.

His mother went into labor 4 months early. The doctors told her he would be born without a heartbeat. They said he had a 1% chance to live. And if he did live, he most likely would never walk, talk, breathe, anything. They prepared her to let him go. But she refused. Her comment was that she needed to give him a chance. And that God had selected her to be his mother. After five months in the hospital, he went home and began his childhood. It wasn’t without difficulties. But as he grew, he developed into an incredible athlete. And none of this would’ve happened if she had decided to let him go. If she had no hope. A 1% chance grew into an NFL athlete. Simply amazing.

Our spiritual lives can be like this. Some of us feel like we don’t have a chance . We have no hope. We feel like the 1%. Nothing we can do to change that. Nothing we can do can give us hope. And we are right. Because nothing that we can do will change it. Nothing we can do will give us hope. All of that comes from Jesus. Plain and simple. Jesus is our hope. Jesus can change anything. Jesus can take us from 1% to a life full of grace. A life full of hope and love. No matter how dark. No matter how bleak. No matter how life seems hopeless. We always have a chance with Jesus. He can pull us up from the depths that we have put ourselves in. He can bring us out of places that we have found ourselves in because of our choices. He can do all of these things for anyone. And that includes you. If you don’t know Jesus, make today the day to get to know him. Make today of the day that you give yourself a chance by letting Jesus take control. And watch what happens. It will be awesome.

May 13 Devotion

I first picked up a basketball when I was in the 5th grade. I remember it like it was yesterday. It was one of those plastic rubbery things. Not the greatest. It even warped into egg shape one day when I left it in the sun. Believe me…lesson learned. But regardless of its condition, it was still my ball. It felt good in my hands. There was an instant connection. And I knew I wanted to learn how to play the game. The seed had been planted.

As I grew into my teenage years, I developed a love for the game. I felt drawn to it. I was never satisfied with my ability. Constantly practicing and playing to get better. What’s brilliant about the game is that you can play it alone. It can be the goal, the ball, and you. Beautiful. Basketball was something I could turn to when I needed a release. Or a time to work on me. At any moment I could work and grow. What’s also brilliant about the game is the ability to play on a team. And the lessons we can learn from teamwork. Life lessons. Especially in practice. I loved practice more than the games. The learning that I got during the workouts. Alone or as a team. And the same can be said about my walk with Christ. Yours too.

When we first accept Jesus, the seed is planted. The love relationship begins. We have joined his team. But we have much learning to do. Therefore we must pursue him as he has pursued us. We must become intimate with him. This is how we grow. We learn to practice our faith. Building different skills in it. Strengthening them. Prayer. Love. Patience. Discernment. So many more. All skills we can improve on. We can work on our faith by ourselves and also as part of a team. As we continue to grow we will move towards maximizing our potential. And here is what is awesome about this whole thing. What is awesome about working on our faith. God will show us our greatness. He will bring it out. He will use it for his good. But remember, for this to happen, we need to work on drawing close to him. Seek him. Pursue him. Make him our focus. And he in return will bring it out of us.

Charlie 22 Outdoors Motorcycle Association

Checking interest level!

Charlie 22 Outdoors is considering forming a Charlie 22 Outdoors Motorcycle Association.

One of our local veterans approached us with this idea. And we love it. We are determining the level of interest to see who might want to be involved.

This association would participate in different events representing Charlie 22 Outdoors. Participants would have to own their motorcycles and have their own insurance.

As stated, we are determining the level of interest. After we see what that looks like, we will set up a meeting to discuss forming it.

Please send us an email letting us know if you would like to possibly be a part of this. We will not see comments on this post.

We love you all and we thank you for your support.

May 12 Devotion

One thing that is hard for us to do is to surrender ourselves to something. To turn our desires and goals over to somebody else. We live in a world where “Get Yours” is the motto. Meaning go out it take it. Put yourself above others. You are number one. And so on, and so on, and so on. By being a believer, we are supposed to surrender to his will. We are supposed to put others before ourselves. These are ways that we are showing that we are truly following God. Surrendering.

Now here’s the deal. Surrendering does not mean there is no action. Actually, surrendering is an act. It’s an act of us moving forward following God. It is an act of us seeking his will for us. Following the path that he has paved for us. One day at a time. One step at a time. We must move forward. Even if we don’t know where God is leading us. We must move forward. Even if we don’t know, we must surrender.

If we do this, God will show us where he wants us to be. He will place us there. It might not happen today or tomorrow. It might take longer than we hoped. But, he will show us. Actually, you might be exactly where he wants you to be right now. The other day I had to do some blood work. The nurse and I were talking about this very thing. She said she wasn’t sure what God’s plans were for her. I told her she might be doing them right now. So maybe you are as well. Either way, whatever it is that you’re doing, the Bible tells us to put our heart and soul into every activity. It tells us to do every activity like we are doing it for the Lord himself. If we do that, God will bless it. He will bless us. So today, keep moving forward. Keep serving God. Keep serving him in all that you do. And he will put you where he wants you to be.

May 11 Devotion

When reading the Bible, we cannot avoid learning about Moses. And the things that he was able to accomplish. Pretty incredible things. In Exodus, we read the story of him leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Taking them away from Egyptian slavery. Some 600,000 Israelites. You read that correctly. 600,000. Holy cow. It was on that journey that they came to the Red Sea. I believe you know the rest of the story. How incredible it must have been to watch the waters part. Then there is Mount Sinai. This is where Moses received the 10 Commandments. Also pretty amazing.

But did you know this about Moses? Did you know that he felt inadequate? When God called on him, Moses was hesitant. He didn’t believe he was the man for the job. Didn’t believe he was qualified. God promised Moses he would be with him the entire time. Yet, he did not believe he was good enough. It was to the point that he asked God to send someone else. Even with God assuring him, Moses felt these emotions. You would think that talking to God would have given him the confidence. You would think that he would have felt assured. But he didn’t. Think about that for a moment. Moses, one of the most important leaders in Israelite history, felt unqualified. Ever feel the same way?

Are you in a spot in your life where you feel incapable? Do you not believe in your ability? Maybe you don’t feel like you have the right talents. Or the right gifts. Some of you might even be comparing yourself to other people. Comparing yourself to what they have accomplished. Don’t do that. Nothing wrong with being motivated by what others have done. But if you begin comparing yourself to the point that it affects what you are doing, you are missing the point. Your capabilities are unique to you. Your gifts are unique to you. And God will use those to fulfill his plan. Trust him. When he convicts you to do something, do it. Do it while you trust him. Do it while you know that he loves you. Do it while you know that he is always loves you.

May 10 Devotion

We serve such an amazing God. We really do. He is so amazing that he can use our pain and turn it to good. I know it’s hard to see that sometimes. Especially when it seems like pain keeps coming and coming. Suffering keeps coming and coming. Difficulties keep coming and coming. In our personal lives. Or in the lives of others that we know. Hard times seem to just continue to attack us. There are many stories in the Bible talking about this very topic. Just look at Job. And over and over, we see God using these times to show his glory. I bet some of you can really relate to this. My family can.

Our family has experienced multiple deaths in the past couple years. And it seems like a continuous cycle of health issues amongst our loved ones. Even watching dear friends go through similar things. Just this morning I read of a veteran that I know in the hospital. He’s having breathing problems. No matter what any of us are going through, these are times that we have the opportunity to show others, to show the world, just how awesome and glorious our God is. We can use this for our purpose. We might even find a new purpose. Charlie 22 Outdoors is an example. 

Now…this might seem harder than we think it is. But think about your past. Think about what you are going through right now. Have you had marriage issues that you worked through? Did you have, or do you have now, a teenager that is working through mental health issues? Do you know anyone who battled cancer and won? Do you know anyone who lost? These are all examples of the point we’re trying to make here. These are examples that make us qualified to show others the glory of God. How you handle times like these makes you “uniquely” qualified. Whatever your story is. Whatever your testimony is. God can use your pain. And he will if you let him. You may not know why now. And you may not see the light at the end. But I want you to think about the power behind what it is you will be able to share with others. And then realize this: There is hope in what you are going through.

May 9 Devotion

Recently I have been asked several times about how I was paralyzed. Been asked what it was that led to me being in a wheelchair. For those of you that I don’t know, I was involved in a car accident when I was 19. Of course, the normal response from everyone is…”I’m sorry.” I always show my gratitude. And I try to reassure them that there is no need to be sorry. I let them now that I have had a blessed life. Which in many aspects is a miracle. So let’s talk about that today. Let’s talk about miracles.

What is it that you consider to be miracles? The obvious ones will be those that Jesus performed. Walking on water. Restoring site. Feeding the masses. So many more. Can you imagine what it must’ve been like to see those take place? Awesome stuff I’m sure. But let’s talk about those that aren’t quite as “glamorous” in our eyes. I have several. Yesterday, I got to watch people serve others out of the love of their hearts. Miracles. I got to watch a young boy and his father smile as they talked about catching fish after fish. Miracles. I got to watch a Korean War Veteran and a World War II Veteran have fellowship with their families and perfect strangers. Miracles. And then I got to go watch my granddaughter just absolutely crush it during her choir performance. Miracle! I also look at the sun rising. The birth of a child. The unconditional love of a dog. My bride’s beautiful eyes. all miracles. And finally, when loved ones find peace through Jesus when they lose someone in their final moments. Absolute Miracles!

But, why do I consider those miracles? They didn’t walk on water. They didn’t heal a paralyzed man. They are miracles because I believe miracles are meant to draw people closer to God. They are miracles because they show his grace. They show his love. And that’s why Jesus performed those. He was showing people the glory of God. His mission was to draw us closer to him. And performing miracles was part of the mission. So I challenge you today to look around. What do you see daily that are miracles in your lives? What is it that you see is in your life that draws you closer to God? Look around and I’m sure you’ll find something. Now back to my personal miracle. Why didn’t Jesus heal me? Why am I paralyzed? Why? I am still on this chair because of the miracle of drawing me closer to him through it.

May 8 Devotion

Yesterday we completed our second event of the year at Little Flat Creek Ranch. Today we have our third one. And from June through October, we will be there several more times. All told, we have been blessed to serve guests there over 30 times since 2018. Hunting, fishing, shooting, etc. We even host some of our Women’s Retreats there. Our relationship with the owners and managers has blown me away. And it continues to grow. What’s even more incredible to me is how our relationship started. It’s too lengthy to put into this devotion. Here is the short version.

In 2017, Barbara and I were asked to serve as hosts for the Catch A Dream Foundation. I am sure you have heard of Make-A-Wish. CAFD is the hunting/fishing version of it. As we were going through the application process, we got to meet with the president of CAFD. And we met with the owners and managers of Little Flat Creek Ranch. After I got sick and had surgery, we had to push pause. Everyone understood. Then, after Charlie 22 Outdoors was founded, I bumped into the owner of LFCR. He wanted to hear more about what we were doing. And that led to us hosting our first Whitetail deer hunt on their property in 2018. As stated earlier, we have been on the Ranch around three dozen times now. There really are no words that I can say to describe how blessed we are to get to work with them. No words. When you get time, find them on the Internet. You will see why I say that.

God puts us on a path that leads to eternity with him. unfortunately, this path is not paved. It’s not smooth. It’s not flat. It’s a path that is full of bumps. Turns, twists, obstacles, etc. The enemy does all that he can to you push us off of the path. Pull us off the path. Whatever it takes, he does. Believe me I know. He’s pulled me and pushed me many times. He does this because he knows that if he can get us off the path, he then can influence us. Let’s remember he is a snake. And a lot of us will jump off the path we are walking on when we see a snake on it. What’s cool about our God, not only does he put us on the path, he provides us the power to stay determined on the path. And less remember this as well, Satan is a snake because God has disarmed him and defeated him. We didn’t know it when we founded Charlie 22. But God put everyone involved with LFCR in our path for a reason greater than we could ever realize. We know our mission is to show hope, love, and a personal meaning through God’s grace. And that’s exactly what’s happening at that piece of the creation.