October 11 Devotion

Ever catch yourself just need to stop for a moment and take a breath? Just to stop and rest for a second? For a minute? An hour? Or more? We live in a busy world. We have busy lives. Our days are so busy, sometimes we judge how successful they were by how busy we are. With all this busyness, it’s easy to get distracted from life with God. It’s easy for us to lose sight of what he has planned for us. Each day we should get up and be thankful for the blessings that he has for us. And keep our focus on him. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that serving him should be the focus. Not trying to be successful by just being busy.

God knows what’s best for us. Think about your personal life, and how many times God has blessed you. How many times has he seen you through difficult moments. If we let the Holy Spirit take control, we will change from the inside out. Everything around us will change. How we view what is success. How we handle difficult times. And how we handle joyful times. Our relationships will change. Basically, our lives will change.

A partnership with God is always available for us. Isn’t it awesome that all you have to do is ask and you will receive. He is waiting. The Holy Spirit is ready to guide you. So try to strive each day to serve God and not serve your flesh. Be open with God. Ask him to guide all that you do. He is willing and ready. He listens. Nothing wrong with being busy. But let’s try to be busy by letting God guide us in what we do. His wisdom will help you with your choices. I promise you, if you let him in and truly serve him, your life will change. I can promise you that, because he promises you that. And he promises you that because he loves you. Always has. Always will.

October 10 Devotion

A few years ago, Barbara and I took Anna to Chicago for a short vacation. While we were there, we went to the Navy Pier. There is a Ferris wheel there. One that is accessible for wheelchairs. So we decided to go on it. Barbara posted a video of it. Some of you may have seen the video. Because of the way I reacted. I had my back to the glass door. And it was unnerving thinking that glass was keeping me in. Very unsettling. Quite humorous now when I think back to it. Also, while we were there, we went to the top of the Sears Tower. They have a spot where you can walk out on glass over the city. The glass is actually on the outside of the building. Once again, it was unnerving, thinking that glass was holding me up. 

I’m not afraid of heights. Never have been. But I was afraid of not being able to catch myself if I fell. That is a very uncomfortable feeling. Not feeling safe. Not feeling in control. For some of us, those feelings can cause fear and anxiety. So ask yourself, what is it that causes you fear? Not being able to catch yourself? What is it that causes you anxiety? Bills that are coming? Family dynamics? Work? Now go one step further. Do you let Satan use these against you? Remember, that’s how he works. Sneaking around the darkness. Slithering around. Because he’s a snake. 

Now as you think about these things, remember this…Jesus has you! The Bible tells us this very thing. He will not forsake us. He has not given us a spirit of fear. Or a spirit of timidity. He has given us power. He has given us love. And so much more. And even more awesome is the fact that he knows our fears. He knows our anxieties. He knows what causes these things. And he’s ready to battle Satan back for us. All we have to do is ask him to. Acknowledge what we are going through, and ask him to help us. It’s that simple. I know it’s easier to read this than to do. It’s easier to say this than to do. But it really is that simple. Because Jesus is waiting in the wings for us to turn to him no matter what we are facing. And that my friends is totally awesome!

October 9 Devotion

Whether I’m talking to Barbara on the phone or in person, before going different ways, the last thing I say to her each time is, “I love you.“ It’s a habit. It’s a good habit. For one, it’s the right thing to do. And I mean it. But more importantly, if it’s the last time we talk, I want it to be the last thing she hears from me. Because it’s true. I love her with all I have. Every ounce of me. And I fully believe that she feels the same about me. What a blessing it is. Truly! 

What about God? What about our love for him? His love for us? There’s no doubt that he loves us. I would say that the only proof we need is Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross. Not that we need proof. But there it is just in case you do. Sometimes, for some reason, we need to convince ourselves. Not sure why. But we do. We need to convince ourselves that God’s love for us is never ending. As human, that could be hard to believe. But it’s true. God’s love for us covers everything. More than we can comprehend. More than we could ever know. And that might be why it’s hard to believe.

So today, let’s work on truly believing this. Let’s work on feeling it to our core. The Bible tells us that if we live under God‘s love, there is no reason to fear. Maybe today you need to have a serious conversation with God. An open conversation. Make today the day that you really open your heart to God. Try to feel his love. Take it all in. Maybe you need to go to your knees and truly open yourself to him. Letting him take control. Asking for him to open your heart to him. And I promise you this…If you truly do this, he will respond. His answer may not come in the form you’re looking for. But he will respond. Because he loves us. He always has. And he always will.

October 8 Devotion

We’ve been talking recently about dealing with different emotions or other issues. Let’s continue that trend today. This is important stuff. Have you ever experienced pain? What about experiencing suffering? Or betrayal? Or any emotions that come with anxiety? Well of course you have. We all have. And chances are that we all will again experience some of them again. They come with being human. They are part of living in this world. 

Psalm 118:6 says, “The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” Truth is, we have experienced fear and pain. All of us. We have experienced betrayal. We have experienced suffering. We have experienced death. Once again, all parts of living in this world.

But with the Lord in our hearts, we can get through these things. And even better is the fact that the glory that we receive when we leave this earth is so tremendous, that anything we experience while on earth, is nothing! It pales in comparison. We have no idea what we’re in for. It’s going to be beyond our wildest dreams and imaginations. That’s what I think the verse is talking about. The glory awaits us because God loves us. Always has. Always will.

October 7 Devotion

How often do you tell others the truth about how you feel or how you are doing? I mean the total truth. I’m not saying you’re lying sometimes. What I am saying is, there are times we don’t tell people exactly how we feel. When someone asks us how we are doing, often our response is, “Fine.” Or, “Good.” Or, “Well.” Even when we might not be any of those, that’s how we respond. Maybe it’s because embarrassment, insecurity, or some other feeling that we have, that keeps us from letting others in on what we are truly thinking or feeling. 

But when it comes to God our father, he wants us to call on him in truth. He wants our prayers to be honest. Even if they are painful prayers. He wants honesty. Not because he wants to hear us suffering, but because he loves us so much he wants to help us through whatever we’re facing. Or just the opposite, he wants to celebrate with us if we come to him with a truthful prayer or praise of something that’s bringing us joy. And if we are really honest with ourselves, we know that God already knows what we are thinking anyways. We might as well pray the truth.

Remember that Jesus came to earth in flesh. He experienced everything and anything that we might go through. Pain and suffering included. He understands. He knows how we feel. He knows how we are going to feel. He knows which emotions we’re getting ready to face. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He is willing and ready to hear what we have to pray. Whether asking for help, or telling him the good news. He’s ready. He is ready to help us grow and work to become more like him. He is ready for us to repent and change. He is ready for us to be vulnerable. Honest. Truthful. He is ready to hear about our fears and about our triumphs. Let’s go to our knees, and be honest with our Lord and Savior. Because he is ready and he loves us deeply. Always has. Always will.

October 6 Devotion

October is the month for Halloween. The scary month. The month of fear. There are even TV stations that air horror movies throughout the entire month. Thinking about this, reminds me about the feeling of fear. It reminds me of anxiety. We all experience these at one point or another. Sometimes to the point that we have panic attacks. I don’t know that feeling. But there are people that I love that do know that feeling. And it’s very fearful for them. 

Even as believers, we can feel both fear and anxiety. Do you know what causes it in your life? Do you know the source? How often do you experience these? These are all important questions. But I think the more important question is this…”Do you turn them over to Jesus?” Whatever they are. Whatever the causes are. Whatever the sources are. No matter how often you experience them. If we can turn these concerns over to Jesus, then we can battle them. We can have victory over them. No longer slaves to them.

So today, let’s remember this very important point about anxiety and fear. This very important point about how we can face them. The point is this, the sacrifice that Christ made for us has set us free. His sacrifice gives us what we need to defeat fear and anxiety. His sacrifice gives us what we need to defeat all of our emotional enemies. I know that sounds easier than it really may be. But it is the truth. Through his love we are set free. You might be wondering why it is we experience these things if we are free. And that is a great question. Let me try to answer this. I think that God allows us to go through hard times like anxiety and fear, so that we will turn to him for strength. Especially after we fail at battling them on our own, we will turn to him. And doing so demonstrates his glory. Shows everyone the way to face tough times. Shows everyone that he will help us through them because he loves us. He always has. And he always will.

October 5 Devotion

We had a baptism at our latest event: Operation Roaring River. We have another one happening this coming Monday. Read that again. Two lives being changed. Amazing. Our veterans feeling the Holy Spirit more in their lives. Veterans realizing that they need our Lord and Savior in their lives. Simply amazing. That’s because when the Holy Spirit is present, there’s a peace that you cannot explain. There is a comfort that you cannot explain. That’s because the Holy Spirit is beyond our understanding.

When it comes to peace, isn’t that what we are all seeking. Aren’t we all trying to find that place in our lives where there is peace and calm. A place where we can put aside the disruptions that come with our daily lives. Or maybe some are looking for just a moment of peace. Where nothing else interrupts that feeling at that moment. And that’s what finding peace can do for us. 

No matter where we are, there is only one true place to find peace. There’s only one place where we will find the calm that we are searching for. There’s only one place that we will recognize, at that moment, nothing else really matters. That “place” is in God’s grace. The love that we find from Jesus is the only place that we’re going to find true peace. No matter where we are. The river. The state park. The hunting blind. The golf course. Work, home, family events, wherever or whatever it is, the only place we will find true peace is with Jesus. And that’s because he loves you. Always has. Always will.

October 4 Devotion

I grew up playing sports. Football, baseball, basketball, track, etc. I even played soccer when we lived in Germany. After I graduated college, I coached basketball through the school system and privately for 20+ years. So pretty much my entire life, I have been part of different sports teams. But it wasn’t until my young adulthood that I truly learned about the only team that really matters. God‘s team. Don’t get me wrong, I learned a lot about life playing sports. I thought life lessons through sports. And I still love watching sports. So I am not disparaging those at all. But when we get down to it, God‘s team is really what’s important.

When we think of it that way, we realize there are two teams competing against each other. God’s. And Satan’s. They’re not just competing. They are in a full-fledged war. And I have played on both of them. Not proud of it. But I was on Satan’s team for quite a while. I’m not really sure I knew that I was, until I became part of God‘s team. That’s pretty crazy. But it’s the truth. 

And there’s another truth that I am 100% certain about. The truth that we find in the Bible. The truth that we feel through the Holy Spirit. The truth that comes from God‘s grace. The truth that I’m talking about is that Jesus loves you. He loves me. He even loves our enemies. His love is never ending. It’s all encompassing. He loved us before we were created. He loves us now. And he will always love us. It is through his love that we will receive eternity of peace in heaven. And that’s not crazy. That’s just the truth. He loves you. Always has. Always will.

October 3 Devotion

Recently, a close friend of mine and I were talking about the climate of our country right now. It’s not good. There’s so much fighting back-and-forth between political parties. Backbiting happening inside friendships. Betrayal in relationships. Lying, stealing, even killings. The list goes on, and on, and on.

But through all of this, there’s one constant. Always has been. Always will be. Jesus! He is the constant in our lives. No matter the turmoil or the storms we are facing. No matter the trials that lie ahead of us. No matter where we are going, Jesus is the constant. Isn’t that awesome!

Everything that we have been through and are going through, he understands. He understands it more than we do. And he will see us through all of these things. All we have to do is ask him to. That’s it. His love for you and me is so tremendous, that all we have to do is ask. Don’t ever forget, God loves you. Always has. Always will.

October 2 Devotion

There’s a saying that we learn something new every day. And we do. Sometimes it may be something of great importance. Other times it may be trivial. Something simple. But either way, we learn something new every day. Or I think that we should anyway. The same can be said about our growth as Christians. As we move along in life, we should grow in our faith. We should learn something daily through Christ, that we can use to serve others.

There are different seasons that we go through. That can apply to every aspect of our lives. Personal. Career. Family. And Faith. As one season comes to an end, another one begins. Barbara and I have been through a few of those. Probably getting ready to go through one now as we are now empty-nesters. It’s very important for us to remember that as we go through the changes, that we continually ask God to help us along the way. To teach us. Because…he can give us the greatest wisdom we will ever need.

In the Bible, we read that Jesus tells us to learn from him. You can view it as a suggestion if you want to. But I would think you would be mistaken. It seems to me, he’s “telling” us to do so. So it’s not a question whether or not we should. And it’s good that we learn from Jesus. For a variety of reasons. Helping our souls. Strengthening us. Cleansing us. Building us. Helping us become better servants for him. Jesus is an example that we should all follow. The Example! If there comes a time that we believe we have it all figured out, we should probably re-examine ourselves. So now, let’s conclude with something that I read: “Jesus does have it all figured out. He has our lives figured out. He has the trials that we are going to face figured out. He has the successes that we are going to enjoy figured out. And because he has it figured out, he has it all laid out for us.”