End of the Year

The year is rapidly coming to an end. Hard to believe. The past 12 months have been amazing. We have been blessed to watch the ministry serve hundreds and hundreds of veterans and their families. So incredible.

The Holy Spirit is moving. Lives are being changed. The Ministry family is growing. And we are humbled by being a part of it. And we thank you for allowing us to be a part of it. With that being said, I have a some things for you to pray over and consider. 

First: Many of you are receiving our monthly newsletter. We like to include testimonies from Veterans and Volunteers who have been a part of an event that we have hosted. This allows everyone to see just how the ministry has worked in their lives. So, I’m asking for you to possibly write what Charlie 22 Outdoors has done for you. As a guest. As a volunteer. As a supporter. Doesn’t matter. We need 2-3 short paragraphs talking about this. If you feel led to do so, you can simply send me an email with your testimony. I thank you in advance for this.

Second: Many of you have been sending us year end contributions. Talk about humbling. When someone thinks of us in the manner, that leads them to send financial support, it floors us. We were actually the recipient of funds raised by the family who runs Don‘s Auctions in Neosho. Simply amazing. So, I’m asking you to also pray over and consider becoming a financial supporter of the ministry. What we do takes money. Plain and simple. Maybe consider becoming a monthly contributor. Several of you are doing so. If you feel led to support us this way, there are variety of ways to do so. Mail us a check. Click on donate link on Facebook or Instagram. You can also use the donate link on the website. Or if you prefer, we can meet up to receive check or cash. Whatever is best for you. Please remember this, all financial contributions are tax deductible due to our 501(c)(3) status.

Finally: I want you to pray over Charlie 22 Outdoors. The Board of Directors challenged me to work to assure everything we did this year followed the mission. And ultimately, I believe we did so. That’s because everyone involved understands what we’re trying to do. So please go to your knees and pray over the ministry. That we always keep the mission as the focus. If we do so, God’s hands will continue to be all over it. And that is awesome.

I love you all and I thank you for your support. 

Have a Blessed and Merry Christmas. 

December 22 Devotion

I think we can all agree that we are blessed to have a Lord and Savior such as Jesus. Think about it for a minute. He left heaven. He left paradise to come to earth. To bring us hope. To bring us peace. To bring us life. Knowing that he was going to pay the ultimate price. He was going to endure pain beyond measure. And he still came. 

Now, since he did what he did, we should be doing what we’re called to do. Not only should we be glorifying and praising Jesus, we should be showing others who he is. The world is full of lost people. Those that don’t know Jesus. They might know who he is, but they don’t truly know him. It is our job to show them the hope and peace that comes from Jesus. 

God knows our struggles. He knows our trials. He knows what we are going to face each day. He doesn’t want us to face our situations alone. We don’t need to bear the burden by ourselves. If we choose to put him first, we will receive strength and peace through our trials. The lost need to know this. They need to know he is there. Here are some thing that I read, “Even before the birth of Jesus, God provided us with the answer to any and every worry we may have through the Lordship of His Son—how incredible!” This is so true. So today let’s strive to show others who Jesus is. Let’s try to show them the rest and the peace that only comes from him.

December 21 Devotion

This morning’s reading could be pretty challenging for us. But it’s definitely something we need to think about. When God created us, the plan was for us to live in harmony with him.  Sin came in and changed all of that. Sin changed our hearts. That meant greed and selfishness came around. God’s solution to that was, and still is, pretty amazing. Jesus. He sent Jesus to bring us back into harmony with him. Having a relationship with Jesus gives us the tools to combat sin. Gives us the tools to live a life pleasing to God. 

Here’s where it gets difficult for many of us. If we understand God‘s grace, then we know it allows us to live in unity. What happened on the cross paved the path for us to live in God‘s family. All of us! Jesus’s sacrifice eradicated all division: Cultural, racial, political, financial, etc.  All division! The Bible tells us that we are all sinners. We know that. But the Bible also tells us that we are all loved beyond our imaginations. All of us! So that includes people around us that we do not necessarily like. 

Living under God‘s grace means living a life together. Loving one another as Christ loves us. Maybe the hardest thing for believers to do. Loving others that we do not like. Wow. Read that again. Loving others that we do not like. But just think if we could do that. Think if the world could do that. Just think of the lost who could come to know Jesus if this was the case. And then if they know Jesus, they can live under God’s grace as well. Living a life knowing a hope and a peace that only comes from him. Living a life knowing what awaits them for eternity. So today, let’s try to love others. Even those not in our circles. Let’s celebrate this season honoring God by truly loving others. I am aware that this is difficult. But let’s still try. Because God loves us. Always has. Always will.

December 20 Devotion

We always like to say that it takes a family to do what we do. It takes a family to battle veteran suicide. And we all have our roles. Whether you are one of our guides, volunteers, supporters, etc. We all have our roles. And each one of them is important. They help each other. That’s how we succeed. Helping each other as we serve God together.

The Great Commission calls for us to go out and make disciples. To go out and show God‘s grace to the world. Trying to show hope and a peace the only comes from Jesus. The Bible tells us that we are all part of one body. And that we belong to Jesus. Unfortunately, not everyone knows this or believes this. But it’s true. We belong to Jesus. And carrying out the mission requires us all. Because the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. And I think that is beautiful.

So maybe today is the day for you to find your role. Or at least start looking for it. Don’t let the great liar deceive you. Don’t let him convince you that you are not worthy. He will do all he can to bring you down and keep you from serving. And he is good at that. But remember this, as good as he is at what he does, our Lord and Savior is even better at what he does. His strength is greater. His love is bigger. His kingdom is forever. And even more amazing, the victory has already been declared. The cross did that for us. So as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let’s remember we are all part of the same family, on the same mission, working towards the same goal. Eternity in heaven. Because…Jesus loves you. He loves me. He always has. He always will.

December 19 Devotion

Isn’t it amazing that we have access to God through Jesus. His life, death, and ultimately his resurrection, give us this access. He is our everlasting father. He is our peace. He is our hope. He is our protector. And above all else, he is our Lord and Savior. We must strive to be like him. He is the example of how we should love others. The Bible is full of stories showing us how we should do this. God will not give up on us. He will be there. Even when we turn our back on him, and run from him, he will be there. Waiting for our return. Even when we break his heart, he will be there. His love will not waiver. The story of the Prodigal Son is a great example of this. The father in the story never gave up hope. Always praying for his son‘s return. I have a similar experience.

My high school basketball coach became my father figure after my dad passed away. I was 15. Throughout high school, he used his position in my life to teach me values and lessons of life. I always found it interesting that he would find out what I was doing. And he would make sure to correct me in his not so subtle ways. (Those that knew him, will understand this.) All the while, I never wanted to accept his teachings. I was determined to be my own man. Didn’t think I needed him. As I got into college, I drifted away from him. Started to really follow my own path. Made my own decisions. My own choices. Which would eventually lead me to being paralyzed. 

In the hospital, before I could even talk, those around me told me he was going to come visit. I didn’t want to see him. I didn’t want to hear his lessons. I was embarrassed because I was paralyzed doing things that he told me I shouldn’t do. I had let him down. When he came in, I remember being anxious. Waiting for him to say something to correct me. But all he did was bend down and kiss me on my forehead. I will never forget that. He was still there for me. I knew I was in for a long road. But, I also knew he was in my corner. I could face what I had ahead of me. And in January 1992, he is the one who led me to Christ. He had never given up. Always loved me. Just as Christ loves us. He always has. He always will.

December 18 Devotion

The last two days we’ve covered points about forgiving ourselves and forgiving others. We mentioned that to those can be very hard for some people to do. Myself included. But they are both important for us in order to have pure hearts. And we need pure hearts to serve God. The third point of forgiveness is the most important of the three. Being forgiven by Jesus is by far the most important decision we can make in our lives. We must break our hearts and ask for forgiveness of our sins. 

I have been asked many times, “How can I be forgiven for what I have seen and what I have done?” It really is a great question. And I get it. We are sinners. How is forgiveness possible? There’s really only one answer for this. Jesus. That’s how it’s possible. His sacrifice on the cross took care of that for us. We cannot do anything to earn forgiveness. We don’t even deserve it. But Christ’s love for us is so great, that it is there for us to receive simply by asking for it. 

How incredible! God loves us so much, he sent his son to die on the cross for us. So we can receive forgiveness and spend eternity in heaven with him. Because he loves us. He always has. He always will. Maybe today is the day for you to ask for forgiveness. To take Jesus into your I heart. Make the greatest decision for your life that you can make. If you haven’t already, just open your heart and ask Christ to forgive you. He’s waiting. He’s there. All you have to do is ask.

December 17 Devotion

Yesterday we talked about how we need to forgive ourselves to have a pure heart. And that we need a pure heart to serve God. The second point of forgiveness I want to discuss is forgiving others. Just as forgiving ourselves might be the hardest to do of the three points we’re going to make, forgiving others might be the hardest to do for some of us as well. 

When someone wrongs us, or wrongs someone that we care about, we must try to forgive them. I am fully aware how hard this is. Because I am as guilty as the next of not forgiving. Not so much when someone wrongs me. I can brush that off. But when someone harms my family, especially my wife or children, I want to retaliate. I want them to pay for what they’ve done. I want them to feel the same pain that they have caused. Actually, I want them to suffer more. And I want to be the cause of these to them. These are all my natural responses as a husband and father. I’m sure many of you feel the same way. But, I have learned over time that I must forgive them instead. WE must all learn to do this. 

Here’s why. First off, the Bible tells us we must forgive others. In order to be forgiven we must do so. Plain and simple. It’s a command. Secondly, forgiving others is not a gift for them. It does not release them from what they have done. They are still guilty. And I am completely fine with them being held accountable. Forgiving them, releases US. It is a gift to us. It is an amazing gift to us. How is that? It releases us because it takes that off of our shoulders. It takes away the constant burden of wanting to retaliate. It takes the hate out of our hearts. We probably will never forget. Nothing wrong with that. We can learn from these types of situations. And we can grow stronger. But forgiving is going to give us a peace in our hearts again. We can sleep better. We can go about our days better. And just like the first point we made yesterday, it helps make our hearts pure. Which allows us to better serve our God. Which we all should strive to do. Because he loves us. Always has. Always will.

December 16 Devotion

This morning I was thinking about what I wanted to write about. The topic of Forgiveness kept coming to mind. It is not one of my favorites, so I kind of brushed it off. But as I began reading, Ephesians 4:32 popped up. That’s a God-wink for you. So the next three days will be my thoughts on forgiveness.

My first point is that we must forgive ourselves.  This might be the hardest type of forgiving for some of us to do. Many of us have tremendous guilt for the things that we have seen or done. I know I do. And I have had many veterans tell me the same thing. But we must do so because we are called to serve our Lord and Savior. And in order to do that, we must have a pure heart. Forgiving ourselves is one of the steps to making our heart pure. 

Another part of this that’s important is the witness we provide to other people. When we forgive ourselves, others will see the relief we have for releasing that burden. The things we were holding onto are no longer be holding us down. We won’t forget those things. They are part of us. And we can learn from them. We can be stronger for going through those moments. But they don’t need to define us. They don’t need to keep us from feeling the grace we receive from God. They don’t need to keep our hearts from being pure. So today, let’s not let them. If you haven’t done so, forgive yourself. Release yourself. Let go of those things that are keeping you down. Pray to God to help you do so. He will. Because he loves you. Always has. Always will.

December 15 Devotion

It’s no secret that God created us. Therefore we belong to God. We are his. Just as a newborn child belongs to his or her parents. All that we have and we are, we owe to God. Since we are part of his creation, God loves us. And he will protect us.

One aspect of being human, being part of the creation, is our need to belong to something. We need to feel connected to something. We need to be accepted and loved. Unfortunately, this inherit need can lead us to make bad decisions and choices. We find ourselves seeking things of this world. Wanting to belong to the wrong groups. Looking for everything except for what is in God. Many of us may feel more strongly about belonging to our families, our social circle, racial or ethnic group, or other groups than we do about belonging to God.

Sometimes it’s easier for us to believe that we are “self-made” by our own creation. But as soon as we realize we are created in him, and created for his purpose, our sense of belonging changes. Then we can truly submit our lives to him. We can submit ourselves to serving him. We then know that we are his treasure. He values us. And then we can show others this same value and love. The same hope and peace that only comes from God. No matter where we are in life, we can do this. In our work. In our hobbies. In our passions. We can show God’s love to everyone around us. Helping them realize that they are part of his creation as well. How glorious is that! Pretty awesome.

December 14 Devotion

The Bible is full of countless miraculous stories. Stories about Jesus doing amazing things. He gave sight to the blind. A paralyzed man walked. He calmed storms. He fed thousands of people. The dead even came back to life. His power is beyond anything that we can ever comprehend. We can try to…”imagine” it. But it’s still beyond your wildest imaginations.

The stories are pretty incredible. Demonstrating what he is capable of doing. I would argue some of his greatest miracles aren’t quite as visible. What I mean is, we don’t see them immediately. For example, a paralyzed man walking is something we see immediately. Even Jesus thought that. But, we must remember that he told his disciples they would do greater things than he did. The stories of Peter and Paul are good examples of that.

We have been called to serve. That is a miracle in itself. The ability to spread the good news is truly miraculous. We get to show hope and peace. We get to show love. We get to show the way to salvation. Some 2000 years ago, Jesus left earth, but left us with this power. And even more miraculous than that, He gave us eternal life. Wow! Is there a greater miracle? I think not. So celebrate Christmas knowing that. Knowing that our God loves us so much, that he has paved the way for us to spend eternity with him. And he has given us the power to show others the same path. Truly miraculous.