April 21 Devotion

Prayer is our direct line to our Lord and Savior. It is our way to communicate with him. Our way to talk with him. Prayer affords us the opportunity to bring our concerns to God. It’s the same for bringing our celebrations to God. He likes to hear those too. Sometimes, we have direct/exact prayer requests. Where we lift up a person by name. Lift up their needs. And sometimes, it’s easy to get caught up in saying a prayer just to say it. To say a prayer in passing. I think that is because we are busy to the point we don’t pray believing it will be answered. We just pray to get it done. But, I believe God answers all of our prayers. Sometimes his answers are so visible and obvious, there is no way of denying what he is telling us. We can see his answer. Other times, he answers them, by simply not acting on them. That is his way of telling us…not getting what we are praying for is best for us.

Last year we put out a prayer request that was answered very quickly. There is strength in numbers. We know this. And that is with prayer as well. For those of you that didn’t see it, here is part of the request: “Prayer Warriors! Time to mount up! Dieter Rademacher, Pastor at Community Fellowship of Christians Church, has a possible brain clot. He is in ICU at the moment. Undergoing evaluations…Please lift him up in prayer. Lift his family up as well. And lift the doctors up. Pray that they can make the best decisions for him.”

A little while later, we put this update out: “Scotty, Please thank your Prayer Warriors!  Within an hour, we had people all over the world praying for Dieter and the doctors. We have good news! He is alert and is acting like his wonderful self! The doctors have him on a drip medicine to “blast” the blood clot away.” Simply amazing. We have an awesome God. We have an awesome God that hears our prayers. We have an awesome God that answers our prayers. We have an awesome God that loves us. So take time to pray. Make time to pray. And watch God work.

April 20 Devotion

With the ministry, I am blessed to be able to sit with veterans and just listen to them talk. Mostly talking amongst themselves. But every now and then, talking with me. When I am sitting there listening to them talk about their personal experiences in the military, I keep seeing a common theme. Whether they were in Vietnam, or Afghanistan, didn’t matter. What they experienced was very real to them. What they experienced has led to dark moments. It has led to PTSD. Anxiety. Suicidal thoughts. And more. I’m sure, that most of the veterans that we serve probably can relate. Especially those that have been in combat. Male and female. 

Hearing the stories is very humbling to me. Hearing them puts a whole new perspective on how I view them personally. My respect for them has always been there. But, my gratitude for them continues to increase. War is not pretty. It is a very dark moment. It’s a very dark time. Dark things happen. I would never understand this, because I have never been there. So I don’t pretend like I know what it’s like. None of us they have never been there should think we understand. There’s no way we can. The countless battles they were in. The blood shed that they saw. The friends that they lost. 

War can take its toll on people. And I’m not just talking about the deaths. One of the things that my wife has shared with me in the past is this statement: “It takes many battles to win a war.” And she wasn’t talking about wars between nations. The whole point of it was, that life is going to be like a war. Every day is a battle. Just as our soldiers fighting war. It takes many battles to win. Our daily lives are like this. We battle Satan every single day. Every single day! He is after us. He wants us. But let’s remember this, Jesus wants us too. Let’s remember that Jesus won the war for us. He declared victory years ago. Let’s battle every single day knowing this. Every single day! Let’s battle Satan, knowing that with Jesus, we win!

April 19 Devotion

There are so many things that I love about Charlie 22 Outdoors. So many, that I can’t put them all into words. I couldn’t fit them into three paragraphs. The ministry has been blessed beyond anything we can imagine. Seven years ago the journey began. Here we are with over 100 opportunities this year for veterans to serve, or be served. How amazing! Watching God work has been incredible. But one of the things that really sticks out to me, is the volunteers giving all they can. Doing so without seeking anything in return. This is biblical.

In the Bible, we read that God will see what we are doing because he knows our hearts. He knows why we do, what we do. There’s no hiding it. Not from him. We also read that as believers, we should be serving others. That’s part of our faith. Giving to others. Putting others above our self. Serving them, to serve them. Not serving them, to serve our selves. If we do this, we will be rewarded by our Lord and Savior. I don’t know how. I don’t know when. But we will be rewarded. It will be as God sees it. And I promise you this, it will be lasting. Something you will truly feel and treasure.

Years ago, when I began serving veterans, I went into it with the intention of giving back to them. Just trying to make their day better. Doing what I could to let them know that I love them for who they are. I had no idea how God was going to bless me in return. I’m not talking about any “outside” gain. I’m not talking about anything, anyone can see. Internally, I cannot tell you how much I was blessed. I had no idea how God would fill my heart. Emotions that I felt, that I still feel today, are impossible for me to explain. So I challenge you today, find some place to serve others. Find some place to put them above your self. Serve them, to simply serve them. Do this with an open heart. God will bless the entire process. He will bless everything about it. Because that’s what he does.

April 18 Devotion

This morning, my Facebook memory was from last year when Barbara took Anna and other women to Ashes to Beauty (Women’s Encounter). One thing I remember Barbara telling me about the weekend was something that she had written down: “As soon as you open your eyes, you’re in spiritual warfare.” I’m not sure a more true statement has ever been said. This is spot on. As soon as we wake up, the battle begins. Daily! And it’s very fitting for today because of what took place yesterday.

Sometimes there are days where Satan really attacks me and Charlie 22 Outdoors. Yesterday he was doing his best. In the morning, I heard about someone I know going through some very serious legal issues. He has a long road ahead of him. Then I got a phone call about a simple misunderstanding with a potential landowner for one of our hunts. Let’s just say we’re probably not going to be able to use that property. After that, I learned about some really disrespectful and lack of appreciation actions that some of our volunteers experienced. It seemed like the day was surrounded with these attacks. But you want to know something, Satan lost. He truly did. I was with two veterans turkey hunting. And the host allowed the other vet and myself to both take turkeys. Such a blessing. They knew about what the day included. And they knew about my frustrations with it. And they told me before I left, to just focus on taking the turkey and being with my wife when I get home. So yes…Satan lost!

You see, there are two sides in this daily battle. Team Jesus. And Team Satan. We know about Team Jesus. We know what he stands for. So let’s talk about the other side. Satan is a snake. Sneaking around. Lurking in the shadows. Using opportune moments to attack us. Layoffs, debts, health issues, etc. Using our emotions against us. Anxiety, depression, anger, etc. He doesn’t do anything in the open. It’s all behind the scenes. Because, he knows he will be spotted for who he is. So each morning, let’s be sure to wake up understanding that he is coming after us. Let’s put on our armor to fight him off. But more importantly, let’s wake up knowing that Jesus has us. Let’s use Jesus as our armor! And let’s know and believe that the victory has already been declared. Satan has already lost. Our Lord and Savior took care of that for us years ago. 

April 17 Devotion

Monday, April 15, was the running of the Boston Marathon. Men and women, ages 18 and up, able-bodied and wheelchair-bound, will take to the course that is 26.2 miles long. Completing the course is an incredible feat. Completing any marathon is an incredible feat in my eyes. What might be more incredible, is the preparation that it takes to run one of these. But, let’s talk about something else that is forever tied to the marathon. 

Barbara and I took Anna on a cruise 11 years ago. While we were on our trip going through the gulf of Mexico, the news broadcasted about two bombs detonating at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. It became obvious that it was a terrorist attack. There were multiple injuries. Including several people losing limbs. And there were three deaths. The youngest was an eight year old boy. His name was Martin Richards. He was there as a spectator with his family. One member lost their leg. Another was blinded in one eye. And his father now has hearing problems. I’m sure they would gladly accept those injuries, if in return, Martin was still alive.

As with many terrible events like this, there seems to be incredible human stories. Martin’s is one example. He was a second grader at the time. At school, his class was doing a study on non-violent protesting. He made a poster during that lesson. You could find a photo of it online pretty easily. The photo went viral after the bombing and his death. It went viral because of what he put on the poster: “No more hurting people. Peace.” Almost like a rally cry after the attack. President Obama made reference to it as well. We talk a lot about the innocence of children. How much wisdom there is in the things that they say. Even though they might not understand the depth of what it is they are saying. His poster is an example. We all want peace. And I think that the only way of finding true peace, is by finding Jesus. His peace is greater than anything we can ever imagine. I’m sure many people found peace in his love after the tragedy in Boston. And we should all realize, it is available for us. It’s available for all of us. And all we have to do is ask for it.

April 16 Devotion

I know this may not be popular with everyone. But, I think that Top Gun: Maverick might be one of the best movies ever made. There are a lot of reasons for me thinking that. Too many to go into. It’s simply one of the best movies I’ve ever seen. Barbara will tell you, I am always looking for life lessons out of movies. Things that I can learn from. Even though they are for our entertainment, I believe movies can teach us some things if we look for them. There are three lessons in this movie that stuck out to me: Preparation, Protection, and Doing what is right even though it is not popular. And these can also be lessons for our Faith.

Preparation: Jesus prepared a place for us. He is still preparing it. He ascended to heaven and is awaiting us. What are we doing about it on earth? Are we secure in our faith? Do we have salvation awaiting us? We need Jesus in our hearts to receive it. That is first preparing. If you fail to prepare, then prepare to fail. Scary thought when thinking about eternity. Protection: Satan is on the prowl. Sneaking around. Just like the snake that he is. Waiting for that one moment to strike. Using our emotions against us. He has so many tactics. And he’s good at what he does. More importantly though, God is better at what he does. He will protect us from Satan if we let him. Attacks will come. But, protection will come from our Lord and Savior if we turn to him. Doing what is right even though it is not popular: The world tells us that certain things are right. And right now, there’s a lot of evil that is considered right. There’s a lot of “wrong” that is considered right. Following Jesus, is not the most popular thing to do. Actually, some people are being condemned for doing so. But, following Jesus… Is the right thing to do. Plain and simple.

To wrap this up, let’s remember that Jesus is there. He is ever present. He’s not going away. He is waiting for us. How awesome is that! There are no words. God does so many things for us. We can’t list them all. But what we can do is prepare our hearts to be with him. If anything, he deserves us doing that. Especially, when we consider the sacrifice on the cross.

April 15 Devotion 

Recently, I had to go to the office to meet one of our volunteers. He was going to set up a booth at a local event. He and his wife have been volunteering with us now for quite a while. Amazing people. We were gathering up items for him. Also gathering items for me to transport to a couple other volunteers. They are setting up a display booth next week in Kansas City. Husband and wife combo. The story about meeting them is pretty incredible. I will save it for another day. While we were there, I received a phone call from another one of our volunteers. She and her husband have been volunteers with us now for five years. She was calling me to tell me a funny story.

While I was at the office, her sister drove by. Her sister has a three-year-old child. The three-year-old saw me sitting on the parking lot. She noticed my wheelchair. She made a comment to her mother that I was sitting in my “magic” chair. I love it. What a great way of looking at things. Magic chair. She understands that the chair helps me get around. Therefore it’s magic. Don’t you love the innocence of a child. The way they view things. Sometimes, I wish I could see things through their lenses.

Something else that I view as magical. Something that we should all view as magical. Because of the way it helps us. That is the love we get from our Lord and Savior. It’s not magic in the true sense of the word. It’s “magical” because it’s powerful. His love is beyond anything we can ever imagine. We are his children. He is our protector. He is our teacher. I think it’s time that we start looking at him in these ways. We should revere him. We should honor him and look at him through the lens of a child. And see him for all that he is.

April 14 Devotion

One of our Veteran/Volunteers gave a short message at one of our events. He did a great job. He talked about three important points of Jesus’s sacrifice and resurrection: The empty cross proving that Jesus died for us. The empty tomb proving that Jesus rose again. The empty clothes proving that he is definitely alive. Very powerful stuff when you think about it.

He died for us. Dying for our sins. He rose to heaven. He did so to prepare a place for us to be with him. He left the clothes to prove that he indeed is alive. Proving that he fulfilled his mission being human on earth. Something else about that time period 2000 years ago that hits home with me. Jesus knew this is all coming. He knew about the pain that he was going to endure. Something beyond our imaginations. He knew these things, but he still bowed down and washed feet.

I’ll look at these as four amazing examples that we can learn from. Examples that we should follow in serving others. Putting others above ourselves. Placing their lives above ours. Doing what we can to help others see the hope that comes from Jesus. Ultimately, being willing to lay down our life if necessary. Wow! Easier said than done. I’m fully aware of that . But wow, just wow! Where are you in your heart when it comes to serving others? Are you doing it for them? For yourself? Are you laying aside your personal desires? Difficult questions I know. But important questions. Today let’s work on this. Let’s work on truly serving others, by placing them above ourselves. Just as Jesus did for us all.

April 13 Devotion

How many times have you done something, either by accident or on purpose where you were forgiven? Maybe given a warning? Ever get pulled over for speeding, or another driving offense, and be given a warning? What about as a student? I know that I did a few things while I was in school where I was given a warning. Even as a child at home, my parents warned me at times. I know as a parent, we have warned our children on occasion. And I know that often times, I didn’t deserve a warning. Punishment was very appropriate. 

But, how does this go along with our faith? Forgiveness and warnings? The answer is probably pretty obvious if you think about it. Jesus forgives us of our sins. Without hesitation he does this because he loves us. Even when we do not deserve it. Actually, I don’t think we ever deserve it. We didn’t earn his sacrifice on the cross. Actually, some argue just the opposite. That our sins, along with those from people before and those coming behind us, are what lead to the cross. So you can see we definitely did not earn what he did for us. We never will. And all we have to do to receive forgiveness is to ask for it. Simply ask for it. 

Let’s move on to warnings. Let’s see how warnings pertain to our faith. Once again, I believe the answer is pretty obvious. We must have faith. We must believe. We must follow the commands. We must do all of these things to inherit the kingdom. The Bible is full of verses telling us this. Very clearly, these are warnings. And let’s not kid ourselves. God is not afraid to punish us. He won’t hesitate if it’s the only way to get our attention. Think about the flood. Think about Sodom and Gomorrah. See the point I’m making? Today is a great day to heed these warnings, and move away from sinful actions. Today is a great day for us too turn our eyes on God. Follow his commands. Serve others as we should. Let’s not put ourselves into a position where we need to be forgiven or to be warned. Let’s put ourselves into a position to please God. Let’s put ourselves into a position where we honor the sacrifice Jesus made for us. And let’s put ourselves into a position where others can learn from us. Because God loves us. He always has. He always will.

Opportunity for veterans to go fishing!

This is not a Charlie 22 Outdoors event. But we are letting you know about it.

Fishing Dreams in Honor of Our Veterans will be held Saturday, November 9, 2024. Ridgedale, Missouri. 

Boat, Captain, Gear, and lunch provided. 

If interested, reply through email. We will get you in contact with the hosts. 

We love you all and we thank you for your support.