May 9 Devotion

Recently I have been asked several times about how I was paralyzed. Been asked what it was that led to me being in a wheelchair. For those of you that I don’t know, I was involved in a car accident when I was 19. Of course, the normal response from everyone is…”I’m sorry.” I always show my gratitude. And I try to reassure them that there is no need to be sorry. I let them now that I have had a blessed life. Which in many aspects is a miracle. So let’s talk about that today. Let’s talk about miracles.

What is it that you consider to be miracles? The obvious ones will be those that Jesus performed. Walking on water. Restoring site. Feeding the masses. So many more. Can you imagine what it must’ve been like to see those take place? Awesome stuff I’m sure. But let’s talk about those that aren’t quite as “glamorous” in our eyes. I have several. I have been able to watch people serve others, after the recent tornado, out of the love of their hearts. Miracles. I have got to watch a young boy and his father smile as they talked about catching fish after fish. Miracles. I got to watch a Korean War Veteran and a World War II Veteran have fellowship with their families and perfect strangers. Miracles. And I have go to watch my granddaughter just absolutely crush it during her choir performance. Miracle! I also look at the sun rising. The birth of a child. The unconditional love of a dog. My bride’s beautiful eyes. all miracles. And finally, when loved ones find peace through Jesus when they lose someone in their final moments. Absolute Miracles!

But, why do I consider those miracles? They didn’t walk on water. They didn’t heal a paralyzed man. They are miracles because I believe miracles are meant to draw people closer to God. They are miracles because they show his grace. They show his love. And that’s why Jesus performed those. He was showing people the glory of God. His mission was to draw us closer to him. And performing miracles was part of the mission. So I challenge you today to look around. What do you see daily that are miracles in your lives? What is it that you see is in your life that draws you closer to God? Look around and I’m sure you’ll find something. Now back to my personal miracle. Why didn’t Jesus heal me? Why am I paralyzed? Why? I am still on this chair because of the miracle of drawing me closer to him through it.

May 8 Devotion

Sometimes we wonder why God brings people into our lives or puts us on to paths that we don’t quite fully understand why he did so. And sometimes, the answer to why he did so, may not come for several days, weeks, months, or years. Sometimes the answers why are very clear. Other times, the answers why are not so clear. But I can tell you this, when we do realize why God did what he did, it can be overwhelming and so very incredible. Our relationship with Little Flat Creek Ranch (LFCR) is very clearly an example of what I am talking about. We have hosted hundreds of veterans and their family members at this property since 2018. We have been there dozens, and dozens, and dozens of times. What’s even more incredible to me is how our relationship started. It’s too lengthy to put into this devotion. Here is the short version.

In 2017, Barbara and I were asked to serve as hosts for the Catch A Dream Foundation (CADF). I am sure you have heard of Make-A-Wish. CADF is the hunting/fishing version of it. As we were going through the application process, we got to meet with the President of CADF. And we met with the owners and managers of LFCR. After I got sick and had surgery, we had to push pause. Everyone understood. Then, after Charlie 22 Outdoors was founded, I bumped into the owner of LFCR. That was at a high school basketball game of all places. He wanted to hear more about what we were doing. And that led to us hosting our first Whitetail deer hunt on their property in 2018. As stated earlier, we have been on the Ranch around dozens of times now. There really are no words that I can say to describe how blessed we are to get to work with them. No words. When you get time, find them on the Internet. You will see why I say that.

Now here’s my attempt to explain why this all happened. Please bear with me. God puts us on a path that leads to eternity with him. And unfortunately, this path is not paved. It’s not smooth. It’s not flat. It’s a path that is full of bumps. Turns, twists, obstacles, etc. The enemy does all that he can to you push us off of the path. Pull us off the path. Whatever it takes, he does. Believe me I know. He’s pulled me and pushed me many times. He does this because he knows that if he can get us off the path, he then can influence us. Let’s remember he is a snake. And a lot of us will jump off the path we are walking on when we see a snake on it. Now, here is what is cool about our God. Not only does he put us on the path, he provides us the power to stay determined on the path. And let’s remember this as well…Satan is a snake because God has disarmed him and defeated him. God is our armor against him. We didn’t know it when we founded Charlie 22. But God put everyone involved with LFCR in our path for a reason greater than we could ever realize. We know our mission is to show hope, love, and a personal meaning through God’s grace. And that’s exactly what’s happening at that piece of the creation.

May 7 Devotion

I was paralyzed in the year 1990. Seems like just yesterday. I spent six months in a hospital for rehabilitation. Hard to believe that long ago. Crazy to think that I have lived a majority of my life in a wheelchair. For a year or two after I was dismissed from the hospital, I would return for check ups. Re-evaluations. To see how my body was responding to paralysis. I should probably go do it again sometime soon. To learn how to grow old in a chair. But anyways, each time I went there I learned more about life with a disability.

One of my first return trips I went solo. The girl I was dating at the time drove me to Springfield, Missouri. That’s where my flight was out of. We were just a minute or two late to board the plane. Not much. But enough that they had already closed the main door into the plane. But to their credit, they found a way to get me onto the plane. Let’s just say that it involved a forklift, a pallet, and going into the side door where they loaded the kitchen items. It actually was pretty cool. They went out of their way to lift me up. To take care of me. To serve me. And that was awesome.

That’s what we are called to do. We are called to lift others up. To serve them. I think that one of the greatest examples of doing this took place on the final night that Jesus was with his disciples. And I fully believe the lesson he was teaching them is what we’re talking about right here. Lifting others up. Serving others. Lowering ourselves below them. How did he do this? Jesus washed their feet. He lowered himself, raised their legs and feet, and washed them. I am certain this was not simply to wash feet. I am certain that he was teaching them one more time. Showing them that the proper way to serve others is to lower theirselves below them. By lifting them up. So today, look for opportunities to lift others up. Actually, every day, look for opportunities to lift others up. Look for a ways to serve others. And do so because Jesus loves us. And we should love him.

May 6 Devotion

Here’s a pretty cool story for you. As I write it, it still brings a smile to my face. Hopefully it will you too. A little while back, I was sitting in a checkout line. I looked up and noticed a woman walking towards me smiling. I could tell by the way she was looking at me that she was going to come and talk to me. As she approached me, I reached out my hand to introduce myself and say hello. She told me her name is Susan. And that I had spoken to her freshman orientation class at Missouri Southern State University in 1995. Back then it was still MSSC. She told me that my story meant a lot to her. And made a lot of impact on her. Wow! Talk about humbling.

As our conversation continued, we discussed how we are called to serve. How Jesus calls us to serve others. That “that” is why we are here. Serving others. Then she began to tell me how her husband had recently lost his job after several  years. That it was not expected. Kind of a bad deal. And how they are getting close to the end of the severance package. But what was cool, is how she talked about them doing a daily devotion all year long. And how God has been speaking to them through the devotions. And that they know they are going to be fine because God has them covered with his grace. Wow! Also talk about humbling. 

Recently, we talked about having purpose. So let’s emphasize that again. Our purpose is to serve others. Our purpose is to serve others through Christ. No matter where we are. No matter what we are doing. We never know what we are going to say to somebody that’s going to make a difference. We never know when we are going to say it. We never know where we are going to say it. God puts people in our paths all the time. Just as he put me in her path so many years ago. But we should be ready for that moment. We should be ready to serve whenever the opportunity presents itself. We should be willing to step out and share Jesus with other people. Plain and simple. We should be willing. So today, be ready for that moment. Be ready for when the opportunity comes. Be ready to share Jesus with others.

May 5 Devotion

Why are we here? Great question. It is easy for us to question why we are here. Why is it that we exist? Many of us go day to day trying to find our purpose. Trying to figure out what it is that we should be doing with our lives. I remember years ago after my surgery wondering why I was still alive. I’ve always prided myself as being a good husband and father. But I felt like there was more being called of me. Actually, I knew there was more. I just didn’t know what it was God was telling me to do. Ever feel that way? I’m sure most of you have. You might be feeling that way now.

Here’s what I know. This is what I fully believe. We were all created by God. We were all created with a purpose from him. Not only that, we were all created with a purpose “for” him. Read that again. Created with a purpose for him. And I believe that our purpose is to serve him. The trick it’s to find out how to fulfill that purpose. It’s easy to get lost searching for that. It’s easy to go around trying to figure it out. But, finding your purpose might be easier than you realize. You have to do one thing to move in that direction. And that one thing is this: Search for God. That’s it. Let me explain.

If we put God first in all that we do, he will show us what it is he wants us to do. He will reveal it to us. But first, he wants an intimate relationship with us. It doesn’t matter whether you are a cashier at a store. Or if you are a teacher in a school. Or maybe you own a business. God will have you where he wants you if you seek him first. He will use you to show his glory, wherever you are, if you do that. He will bring out your greatness. He will bring out your talents. So start by praying to him to draw closer to him. Start by seeking him in all that you do. Do that, and watch what he does with your life. It will be amazing. It will be glorious. It will be beautiful. No matter where he uses you, your purpose will be to fulfill what he has for you. And that is awesome.

May 4 Devotion

When our kids lived at home, I would tell them that we understand when they felt bad. We understand when their bodies ache. Or when they are sick. Nobody is immune from that. You can’t control it. There are viruses and bugs all around. Eventually, we’re going to come across some. But we also told them, those are not green lights to being hateful. Or rude. Just because you don’t feel well, you don’t have to treat others miserably. Those are mind over matter moments. We can control how we react to situations like those.

Our minds are powerful. Probably more powerful than we realize. Our thoughts are the same way. So powerful, that they can control us. Seriously! They can control us if we let them. Satan knows this. And he will use them against us if we let him. As I’ve gotten older, I have learned how to better control my thoughts. I have learned how to switch my thoughts from one thing to another. If I catch myself thinking about something I shouldn’t be, I intentionally move on to something else in my mind. Sometimes I will stop what I’m doing and begin talking to God. That helps me get my mind where it is supposed to be.

We can also strengthen our ability to control our thoughts. We can work on it. We can feed our minds with tools to help us battle what Satan tries to push on us. And as we do this, we can work on serving God better. We can train our minds and our thoughts to try to focus in on what it is he wants us to do. That’s where the Bible comes in the play. That’s where prayer comes into play. That’s where who we associate with comes into play. When I was coaching, we worked on perfect practice. That would better prepare us for the games we had. The same can be said about our spiritual life. Perfect practice will help us be better equipped for when the evil one attacks. So today, work on strengthening your mind and your thoughts. Let’s do this together. Let’s work on serving our Lord and Savior better than ever we ever have before. Let’s do so because he loves us. He always has. He always will.

Memorial Day Ceremony

Charlie 22 Outdoors is thrilled to be a part of the upcoming Memorial Day Ceremony at the Open Air Pavilion of Mount Hope Cemetery.

Ceremony will begin at 10 AM on Monday, May 27, 2024. 

Webb City Mayor Lynn Ragsdale will be Master of Ceremonies. Webb City High School Junior ROTC will present the colors. There will be a special performance of the National Anthem as well as TAPS. Guest speaker is United States Army Colonel (Retired) Mark Costello.  

Bring a lawn chair and join us in honoring those who paid the ultimate price for our country. 

Please share with your contacts.

We love you all and we thank you for your support. 

Charlie 22 Outdoors Annual Dinner Banquet

The Charlie 22 Outdoors Annual Dinner Banquet is August 10, 2024. This year it is going to be held at the College Heights Athletic Center. 1107 N. Prosperity Ave., Joplin, MO 64801. We are excited about the new location because it is going to provide more space for the guests.

It’s an incredible night of faith, fellowship, food, and firearms. It’s a celebration of where the ministry has been and where it is going. It’s a night to thank God for all he has done.

Table sponsorships are going fast. Remember, this year we are offering two options. First option, ten Alpha $1000 table sponsorships. They will go into  a raffle for a $2500 John’s Sporting Goods Gift Card. Winner can use it towards guns, ammo, supplies, etc. Anything you want. Second option is the Bravo $500 table sponsorship. These go into a separate raffle. Same as years passed. 50/50 chance to win. Each sponsorship can still sit six people. And the sponsorship gets one piece of Charlie 22 Outdoors Gear.

We have been asked about sponsoring tables for veterans. If you’d like to sponsor a table that would seat veterans, let us know.

Items are already coming in for the auctions and raffles. If you have something to contribute, let us know. And if you want to volunteer helping us collect items, let us know.

Please share with your contacts.

We love you all and we thank you for your support.

Tony Booth 

Yesterday we received word that Tony Booth has passed away. Tony was a Combat Veteran from the Korean War. We were blessed to meet him at our knife making/tomahawk throwing day at the Hettinger Farmhouse.

We ask that you be praying for his family during this difficult time.

Please share with your contacts.

We love you all and we thank you for your support.

May 3 Devotion

Yesterday we talked about the video on Facebook of the young lady still winning the race after falling at the second hurdle. I hope some of you tried to find it. It really is worth looking for if you have not. The devotion was on not giving up. Staying the course. Because, we win if we do so. Today let’s talk about letting go. Letting go is much different than giving up. Giving up is something that we allow to happen when things do not go our way. God does not want us to give up. But he does want us to let go. Most of us have heard the saying: Let go, Let God. 

When we let go of things that we cannot control, we are giving them over to God. We release them. It’s an act of a surrendering to God. Letting go is trusting Jesus. It can be very difficult to do. My bride has an amazing story about this. In 2013, our son was in a dark place. His demons were attacking him. They had been for a while. He wasn’t responding the way he should. He was giving into temptations that the Satan was placing in front of him. Barbara went to him and spent the day battling Satan back. But she was losing. Nothing she did mattered. Finally, she broke down and turned it over to God. She even told Trey she was doing so. That it was between him and God at that point. Talk about an act of faith. Wow!

Turning Trey over to God actually freed Barbara. It was an act of love on her part. Because she was giving everything to God. Before she returned home, Trey called and said he was ready. Within days we had him in Florida getting the help he needed. God had taken control. He had taken control because Barbara turned Trey over to him. And Trey turned his life over to him as well. They had placed everything into God’s hands. Trey is now a pastor at a church. He’s married with three children. We must remember that in this life, we will not be able to do many things on our own. And we must remember…God is more than capable of doing everything. So today, look at things that you might need to let go. And turn them over to God. Let him have them. And then watch what he does with them.