March 16 Devotion

Lately have you found yourself in a place where nothing seems familiar? A place where you have nothing left? Has your faith been tested? What about having doubts? Doubting that you are capable of anything. Sometimes these things can be overwhelming. That can cause fear. We can lose confidence that we can help others. We don’t believe we are good to ourselves at all. So, how can we possibly be good to others? Fear not though. It’s moments like these that God is there waiting to build us back up.

We are all aware that Satan is a snake sneaking around. He uses whatever opportunities he can to destroy us. And it is moments like in the first paragraph where he thrives. Doing all he can to assure us that we are unworthy. We are hopeless. That God has forsaken us. So let’s work on battling him back. Putting him back in his place. Where he belongs. Let’s declare God‘s truth in our lives. We can shout it out. We can pray it quietly. We can speak it softly. Whatever way we decide to do it, let’s declare God is in control. Because he is.

So today let’s go to our knees. Let’s talk to God. Tell him are concerns. Let him know that our faith is weak in moments where it is. Let’s tell him we trust him. Let’s pray for strength that can only come from him. Today is the beginning of us knowing that we may stumble. We may fall. But today is also the day of us knowing that we can rise up with Jesus. We can press on. We can be confident and crush our doubts. We can face whatever comes our way because the Lord is our strength. And it is perfect. Finally, let’s believe that God has us. Because he loves us. He always has. He always will.

Prayer Warriors!

This one is a very personal prayer request. We love this family. Sam and Jenny Madsen are volunteers of ours. But they are much more than that. They are our friends. They are part of the Charlie 22 Outdoors family. Please take time right now to pray. And continue praying in the days to come for them.

Yesterday afternoon at 3:25, an intruder broke into the Madsen’s home while Jenny and the boys were inside. Jenny suffered moderate injuries and was transported to Mercy Joplin (released at 11 pm) and Eli (12 yrs old) suffered minor injuries. We are thankful to God for his hand of protection in what could have been a horribly worse situation. However, we are asking for praying support as they deal with the physical, mental, and material ramifications of the attack as they put their lives back together.  The intruder has been detained but their sense of safety has been destroyed.

Please share with all of your contacts.

We love you all and we thank you for your support. 

March 15 Devotion

I’ve been asked many times about that night 33 years ago when I was paralyzed. People wonder if I would’ve done anything different. Such a great question. Ever wish you could go back in time and do something different? Make a different decision than what you had made? Maybe go somewhere, try something, or not go somewhere, or not try something different? Erase a mistake that you made? Or add to the successes that you had? Sure you do. I think all of us have had that thought at one point or another. Go back in time, knowing what you know now. Truth is though, we can learn from our past. Our mistakes and our successes.

But today, I think we should focus on where we are and where we are going. Let’s not focus solely on the past. Let’s move forward. Let’s move forward knowing that God has us. Think of it this way: “The person I was isn’t the person I am, nor is it the person that I hope to become.” Let’s look forward to what God has planned for us. We don’t want to forget where we have come from. We don’t want to forget where we have been. That’s part of knowing who we are. But reminding ourselves of our past, especially our mistakes, can get us into a rut that is hard to get out of. And that can limit us on serving God and showing his glory to others. Then that becomes a victory for the enemy. Not good!

So today, let’s try to be ready to move forward. Let’s try to build on our past. Not forget it. But, not dwell on it. Let’s use it to catapult us forward. Let’s believe that our best days are ahead of us. If we allow it, our faith will guide us. It’ll keep us on course. I know it’s not easy to do this all the time. Believe me, I’ve been there. I understand. But, faith will give us the strength to carry on. Despite what has happened, or what we are going through, faith will get us there. God has us covered. Whatever we are going through, he already knows. He will see us through. Which is exactly what he has done for me. He has seen me through. Of course, I wish I wasn’t paralyzed. But, I wouldn’t change my life one bit. He has blessed me. He will bless you too. 

Charlie 22 Days of Black Rain

The Charlie 22 Days of Black Rain Raffle ticket sales are going well. This is our annual raffle that we do with Black Rain Ordnance. The drawings begin September 1. 22 days. 22 mornings. Every morning features Black Rain Ordnance. 

$20 a ticket. 6 tickets for $100. And as always…each ticket can be drawn twice! 

You can buy them online on our website, Facebook donate link, through the Cash App, at the Black Rain store front, or we can meet. If you buy them online or Facebook, please contact us to let us know. Text or email. We will reply back with your numbers. If you use the Cash App, you can put a note in your purchase. We will email you your numbers.

Please share with all your contacts and tell all of your friends. 

We love you all and we thank you for your support.

The Charlie 22 Outdoors Annual Dinner Banquet is August 10, 2024. 

It’s an incredible night of faith, fellowship, food, and firearms. It’s a celebration of where the ministry has been and where it is going. It’s a night to thank God for all he has done.

Table sponsorships are going fast. Already 10 sponsored. Remember, this year we are offering two options. First option, ten Alpha $1000 table sponsorships. They will go into  a raffle for a $2500 John’s Sporting Goods Gift Card. Winner can use it towards guns, ammo, supplies, etc. Anything you want. Second option is the Bravo $500 table sponsorship. These go into a separate raffle. Same as years passed. 50/50 chance to win. Each sponsorship can still sit six people. And the sponsorship gets one piece of Charlie 22 Outdoors Gear.

We have been asked about sponsoring tables for veterans. If you’d like to sponsor a table that would seat veterans, let us know.

Items are already coming in for the auctions and raffles. If you have something to contribute, let us know. And if you want to volunteer helping us collect items, let us know.

We are already looking forward to the new venue. Much more space for all of our guests. Once the contract is signed, we will let you know. For your plans, it is in Joplin.

Please share with your contacts.

We love you all and we thank you for your support.

March 14 Devotion

Ever find yourself lacking faith because you thought what you were facing was impossible? Ever pray during that moment just because you needed to? I know I have. Lacking faith is human. Easy to do when things seem difficult. In the book of John, we read about the miracle of Jesus feeding the 5000. I’m guessing it’s probably more along the lines of 15,000. Maybe even up to around 20,000 or more. The Bible says it’s 5000 men. Most likely those guys were probably with their wives and children. Either way, 5000 or 20,000 is not the point that is important here. What Jesus was showing is what is important. Jesus was showing that we need to have faith even when it seems hopeless. We need to have faith even when it seems impossible.

Can you imagine what it must’ve been like to watch that happen? Can you imagine being there? Seeing Jesus feed the masses like that out of a handful of bread and fish. Wow! But as awesome as that must’ve been, just think of the faith that was being tested. Just think of how that might have strengthened your belief if you had been there. And that is the point. We need to believe that Jesus will be there for us. We need to believe that he will get us through, even when it seems impossible.

Now think about your life today. Think about times that have seemed impossible. Times where you did not know how you would get through. We have all had those. I have. My family has. Many times. And it was very difficult for us to keep our eyes on Jesus. Honestly, I’m sure there were moments where we didn’t. But guess what, Jesus saw us through. Even when we couldn’t believe it was possible. Sickness. Depression. Anxiety. Anger or hatred. The list goes on, and on, and on. He never wavered. Even when we did, Jesus never wavered. Always remained constant. He always remained faithful. We shouldn’t need to witness miracles like the 5000. We should just go to our knees and pray for his guidance. pray, while believing that Jesus has it under control. The end may not be what we hope or pray for it to be. The outcome may not go our way. But he will see us through. Our faith will be strengthened. We will be stronger through the outcome. No matter what. Then our testimony will be even more powerful. And others need to see that. So today, let’s have faith no matter what situation we are in.

March 13 Devotion

Every now and then, I get to spend some time with friends doing some therapy. Better known as shooting guns at targets down range. At one of the more recent therapy sessions, I was with the President of Charlie 22 Outdoors and three veterans. One of them being one of the founders of the ministry. He actually hosted us. His property is pretty incredible. Such an amazing part of the creation. We all had a great time of fellowship and firearms. 

I’m always interested by the knowledge that these guys possess when it comes to long range shooting: Minute of Angle, D.O.P.E., Hold at 3 clicks. All foreign to me. I just know enough to look through the scope, put the cross hairs on the target, and pull the trigger. And when you are shooting at 500 yards away, my limited knowledge would have me way off target. No doubt. To have any chance at all, I needed them there too guide me. To tell me how to adjust to what I was aiming at. And even then, I missed my targets several times. But, I eventually hit everything, including a 4 inch diameter circle with Tannerite in it. It really was an awesome afternoon.

Having them there to assist me reminds me of having Jesus in my life. Just as I would have missed my targets all day long without their assistance, I miss my targets daily in life without Jesus. Even with him guiding me, I still miss sometimes because of my attempt to go it alone. Isn’t that human nature? To do things ourselves. I’m not saying it’s correct thing to do. I’m just saying that’s what we do. And I’m also saying that I fail all the time. I fail  because I’m trying to go it alone. I need Jesus. All the time! We all do. And I am confident in saying that I bet we would all agree that without him, failure is eminent. So today, let’s strive to put Jesus first in all that we do. Let’s let him guide us. Please remember he has a plan for us. And it is glorious. Let’s also remember, even when we fail, it’s never too late to turn to him. He will take us where we need to go. He will keep us on target.

March 12 Devotion

It is easy for us to get caught up in earthly things. Everywhere you look we are being enticed to eat here, buy this, come here, try that. Television, radio, computers, phones, and more. Each grabbing at us. Friends, family, acquaintances, even those we don’t know. People actually make good careers out of marketing. They’ve learned the best ways to get our interest. Now, I’m not suggesting there’s anything wrong with any of these. In fact, I enjoy many earthly things. Let’s just remember to not value them over everything else. Let’s be sure to have our priorities in the right place. 

One thing I truly enjoy, and get “joy” out of, is being out in the creation. I’m aware it’s part of this earth we call home. But, I’m more aware of the fact God created it. And we should enjoy God’s creation. We should celebrate God’s creation with joy! And if we look at this more closely, we realize we are part of the creation. God created us too. And when we look at it like this, then we know that all of creation should rejoice and praise God. The joy of creation is Christ-centered. 

So let’s conclude with this. Yes, we are in this world. We are in an earthly existence. But let’s keep our eyes on God. Then we can experience life on earth knowing how it all came to be. And then when we leave from here, we will get to celebrate and rejoice with the one who created it all. It really is amazing when you think about it. You live a life on earth. A life which is part of his creation. Then, when life ends here, we spend eternity with the creator. Read that again. Eternity with the creator. But don’t forget, in order to spend eternity and heaven, we need to believe that Jesus is the Christ. That’s the key. And he gives us that key because he loves us. Always has. Always will.

March 11 Devotion

The last couple days we’ve talked about different people going through difficult times. Joseph had a very hard time with his family. The Israelites faced exile for 70 years. And we have learned about how they were able to get through those moments because of God. How God never left them. Another example of facing hardship for us to learn from is Paul. 

Paul went to prison. He was shipwrecked. He was beaten. Even whipped. At one point he was on house arrest for 2 years. He had to stay in his house for 2 years. But, through it all he was a follower of Jesus. He never lost faith and God used him all the while. While he was stuck inside his house, Paul wrote letters to churches. He was encouraging them to stay faithful to Jesus. He was encouraging them and he was staying faithful as well. Here’s a quote: “I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.” Paul was teaching that we can find strength through Jesus. How true!!!!

God doesn’t use the qualified. God qualifies those he uses. Have you ever felt like you have nothing to offer? Or have you questioned what it is you have to offer? It’s times like these that God can really use us. Use us for his glory. Because it’s during those times, that his strength is revealed. Ours will not take us very far. His will. If we surrender ourselves to Jesus, he will see us through. Paul understood that. His circumstances were not the best obviously. But God still used him. And he can use you too. He can use me. All of us. All we have to do is turn to him. Ask him. And he will do so.